We Are Spreading The Love
… Touching Lives Through Solar, Making the Difference!
At Solar Xpress Ltd, our key CSR focus is to improve the livelihood of the less fortuned in the society. We help alleviate poverty and improve the education and Health standards through Solar and water Solutions that impact directly on the society. We also Advocate for Environmental Conservation through use of renewable energy, planting of trees and better sanitation.
We value access to clean energy and water for the difference it makes to people’s lives:
1.Lit up and smoke-free homes.
2.Improved agricultural and business productivity through affordable energy for irrigation and production.
3. Adequate lighting & clean water for schools.
4. Medical facilities able to operate their life-saving equipment
Subsequently,we offer the following donations:
Solar lantern for school going kids to enable them study at night. This will improve their performance in school and also alleviate smoke related health complications resulting from kerosene lamps, - Solar Lighting solutions for remote hospitals, children/aged homes, Refugee Camps etc.
- Community Solar water pumping solutions e.g for Nomadic community, Refugees Camps etc. hence improved crops and livestock’s productivity.
- Solar street lighting- for the rural markets, refugee camps- Improve security